Although many homes these days are built with plenty of electrical outlets, some older homes never seem to have enough. The solution most people turn to when they need more outlets are electrical power strips. What should we keep in mind, though, when it comes to using these wisely?
There are many fire and safety risks associated with the over use of electrical power cords. You should never interconnect power cords, even if they have a surge protector. It is a violation of OSHA and NEC regulations.
When using an electrical power strip make sure that, when plugging in a device, that none of the metal prong parts are showing and uncovered, this could be hazardous. If you notice that the power cord is becoming noticeable hot to touch, stop using it immediately. Another thing to keep in mind is that power cords do not last forever. Although it might still be working, if it is old and has uncovered wires and burn marks, stop using it and get rid of it. It is not worth the risk.
So, while electrical power cords can be a very useful thing to have when you’re in a fix, they should never be used as a permanent arrangement and everyone in the household should be very aware of not overloading them.