It’s very easy to take for granted the water we drink, after all, every time we turn on our faucet we have confidence that as much water as we want will be available to us. However, if we think about how vital clean water is for our health and wellbeing, shouldn’t we know something about where our water comes from?

The area you live in will determine your home’s water source. For example, if you are living in a large town or city then its most likely that the water you drink comes from a reservoir. This would be considered a surface water source. Perhaps you are thinking that there is no reservoir close by that could be supplying your water but, it doesn’t have to be close to you, in fact, your water may be supplied from a reservoir that is some distance away. What if you live in a rural location? In this instance, your water is probably from a well that is filled by an underground reservoir or aquifer.

When determining if a water supply is safe or not more than just the water source must be considered. You must also take into consideration the land that surrounds the water, for instance, is it used for agricultural or industrial purposes? The land surrounding a water source is termed the “watershed”.

What if, after reading this, you want to know more about the water being supplied to your home, what should you do? Contact your local supplier of water. As a customer, you are entitled to have access to their annual report. This report contains information on where the water comes from as well as any contaminants that have been present in it and will help you to feel more informed about the water you drink.