Everyone wants to feel safe and secure in their own homes. There are many security options these days for the home, some that are extremely high-tech. However, one option that has been around for a long time is window bars. Window bars are usually made from metal and are attached to the exterior wall surrounding a window. They are generally just installed around windows on the lower floors of the home. Because window bars reduce the number of entry points to the house, they can be highly effective at deterring a would-be intruder. So, are window bars a good choice? Are there any downsides?
One vital aspect to consider when it comes to window bars is the safety of the home’s occupants. In emergency situations like that of a house fire, windows are often the fastest means of escape. If the home has window bars, essential exit points could be blocked which would, not only make it difficult for anyone exiting the home, but it could also make it much more challenging for firefighters to fight the fire.
So, are window bars a poor choice? They are not necessarily a bad option but when choosing which window bars to install it is important that you choose ones that have a quick-release mechanism. This should enable anyone living in the home, including the elderly and children, to easily release the window bars from the inside in case of emergency. This release mechanism should be easy to use and not require any special tools. If they need a key to release them, be sure that everyone knows where it is and that it is easily accessible. Don’t forget that in a fire emergency, even a strong able-bodied adult can quickly become panicked and disoriented.