It’s amazing how much we have come to depend on electricity in our lives, as a result, if the power does go out for any reason, we can often find ourselves in utter chaos. The situation is a lot more serious, however, for someone who relies on electricity for health purposes. For many, a portable generator is one solution to a temporary loss of power. They are useful machines to have as they can also be transported easily making them ideal for camping and traveling to isolated areas, etc. Another advantage is that you do not require a special permit to own or operate a portable generator.
While there are obvious benefits to a portable generator, it’s important that you exercise caution when operating one as there is the potential for fire or serious injury if you do not use it according to the safety instructions. For example, never overload your generator trying to keep every appliance in the house running, but rather only use it for those necessary for the basic running of the home. Another important thing to note is that your portable generator is only intended for corded appliances and not ones that are hard-wired to your home. Keep this in mind if you would rely on this to keep medical equipment running.
Your portable generator will become hot as it is running so be extra careful when adding gasoline and always keep children well away from it.
In summary, a portable generator can be a great way to run essential appliances temporarily, but care should be taken to use it only for the purpose it is intended.