Mold… no one likes to hear that word (with the exception of certain cheese makers). For most of us, that word means illness, health problems, allergies, and money. But where are the most common areas to find mold?
One of those areas is in the attic. In fact, it is one of the most common issues found in most attics. Bu why is that?
The major thing is ventilation. Attics are very hot by nature. Ventilation allows the warm air that builds up in there to escape and draw new air in. If the attic ventilation is not working well (or at all) the air becomes warmer and more humid, and any mold spores take advantage of that and grow without anyone noticing.
Since we normally don’t spend a lot of time in our attics, it is good to have periodic inspections to make sure there are no adverse conditions. Feel free to contact us to schedule your home inspection today!