Moisture Problems In The Home
Moisture intrusion can become a real problem in a home, causing bad indoor air quality and expensive repair bills. It could even reduce the value of the home. Identifying the areas where damage from water is most likely to be found is a good first step to preventing...
What Is Involved In Your Home Inspection?
Do you need to schedule a home inspection? If this is something you have never had done or if it has been a long time since the last inspection, you may be wondering what is included when we inspect your home. Although our home inspections are extensive and involve a...
You’ve Been Told You Have Termite Damage…Should You Worry?
As homeowners, we cannot expect to be experts when it comes to every problem we may encounter with the house, which is why we call in the professionals. However, because we are not experts, we could also end up being victims of dishonesty and conned out of our...
Construction Materials…Paperless Drywall
In this article, we are going to discuss an alternative option to traditional drywall, paperless drywall. Let’s look at what paperless drywall is comprised of and how it compares to its more well-known counterpart. First, let's look at the materials used in...
Why You Should Take Care Of Your Grinder Pump
If you are living in or about to move into a home that has a grinder pump you will need to be aware of how it functions as well as simple ways to keep it working properly. So, let's look at why a home would need a grinder pump and how to keep it well maintained. You...
Switching To Pressure Assist Toilets
We all want to find ways to be more environmentally friendly in our homes and there are lots of ways this can be done. What about the home’s toilets for example? Could you switch to pressure-assisted toilets? Let’s look at some of the ways pressure-assisted toilets...
Is A Renovation Really Needed?
As we discussed in our previous blog, when you sell your home you naturally want to get the maximum amount for it. To do so, maybe you’re thinking about doing some major renovations, hoping to increase the value. Before you decide, think about whether the home really...
Should You Remodel?
With so many house remodeling television shows available to watch nowadays perhaps you feel inspired to remodel your home. Remodeling a property can greatly improve the comfort and lifestyle of the home’s occupants but, if your purpose in remodeling is to increase the...
Don’t Make Your Home An Easy Target
If someone wished to break into your home, how easy do you think it would be for them? Is your property an easy target for a would-be intruder? Here are a few reasons why someone might find it easy to break into your home: One thing you should consider is how easy it...
The Water You Drink
It’s very easy to take for granted the water we drink, after all, every time we turn on our faucet we have confidence that as much water as we want will be available to us. However, if we think about how vital clean water is for our health and wellbeing, shouldn't we...