Maintaining A Water Heater
As a homeowner, you've probably heard horror stories about water heaters going bad and needing to be replaced. However, this isn't something that you need to fear too much. It's actually pretty simple to keep a water heater in good condition. While it's good to have a...
Pros and Cons of Clay Roofing
Clay roofing can be found pretty easily throughout many parts of Florida. It has a very unique and beautiful style that can be seen from a mile away. It can add tremendous curb appeal to your home and will last a very long time. But, if you're in the market for...
Appearances Matter When Selling A Home
In our blog post last month, we talked about the importance of keeping your place of business clean and well-maintained. This time, we'd like to talk about the importance of keeping your house free of clutter when you're attempting to sell it. Of course, how you...
Keeping a Place of Business in Good Shape
Many business owners invest in hiring a professional cleaning service for their place of business. Others assign an employee or two to handle specific cleaning chores each week. Whatever the case, having a clean storefront, office, or other commercial space is...
Mold In Your Bathroom
We've talked about how to prevent issues with mold a few times in the past, but now we'd like to focus your attention on one specific room in your home where mold can easily grow - the bathroom. The main reason why it's easy for mold to grow in your bathroom is that...
How Many Are Too Many?
Have you ever been inside a building and thought to yourself: "there are way too many people in here"? Social anxiety aside, the number of people occupying a space is an important topic, with legitimate legal and safety ramifications. This is especially true for...
This Interruption Could Save Your Life!
The Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (or GFCIs for short) installed in your home could provide a service to you that could save your life. If you're like most people, you may have seen or tested GFCIs a million times without realizing what they are. They're devices...
Will a Smart Home Make Your Life Easier?
Lots of people would quickly say that they'd love to make their life easier. To reach that goal, many people have adopted smart home technology for their homes. And it's true, if they're set up properly, smart home devices can be extremely helpful. Among many other...
Are carpet beetles bugging you?
Do you ever notice damage to your clothing or other pieces of fabric in your home? It is possible you may have a household pest called the carpet beetle. While adult carpet beetles are easier to spot and actually do not cause any damage to your household items, it’s...
Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Trampoline
For most people, jumping on a trampoline seems like something that would be a lot of fun, with very little risk involved. However, some statistics indicate that there are around 100,000 trampoline-related injuries every year. If you own a trampoline, is there anything...