by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Aug 28, 2017 | Home Inspection Information
A lot of people don’t realize how easy it can be to use less energy in the home. With just a few simple adjustments you can save a lot of money. Here are a few simple ways this can be done: Instead of using an air conditioner, which uses a lot of energy, try...
by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Aug 14, 2017 | Home Inspection Information
If you have considered installing new windows in your home you may have come across one type of window that is on the market called “low-E windows”. A first look at these windows may seem like buying or installing them is a “no-brainer”, but...
by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Jul 26, 2017 | Home Inspection Information
No one enjoys the thought of these little creatures living in our attics, however since bats can be found in most inhabited places all over the world, we have to expect that we will encounter them at some point, so what are some of the ways we can identify if we have...
by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Jul 13, 2017 | Home Inspection Information
In recent years Bed Bugs have become an epidemic, and unfortunately here in Pensacola is no exception. Their hard to see, love to travel and not so easy to eliminate, so what do we know about these pesky invaders, and what can we do about them? Although bed bugs are...
by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Jun 27, 2017 | Home Inspection Information
Carbon Monoxide is a silent killer as it has no odor and cannot be seen, and so attacks without warning. Many instances of Carbon Monoxide poisoning occur in the home, this is largely due to faulty, fuel burning appliances found in the home. What are some ways that CO...
by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Jun 13, 2017 | Home Inspection Information
We all feel the need to be conscious of any potential fire hazards in our home, but what about our garage, especially when its attached to our house? Garage fires can occur very easily, this is because our garage is where we store most of our flammable liquids (...