by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Dec 29, 2019 | Home Inspection Information
Sometimes, when you’re a teenage boy, you flush a toilet while your sister is in the shower and then wait to hear her scream. At that age, you probably don’t know why flushing the cold water in the toilet makes the water in the shower crazy hot. You just know it...
by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Dec 27, 2019 | Home Inspection Information
When a person advances in age they may start to experience limited mobility and, while getting around their home may have been no problem in the past, it may present a challenge now. What are some ways you can assist your elderly loved ones with limited mobility, to...
by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Dec 11, 2019 | Home Inspection Information
December is a busy month for many people and one where a ladder will likely be used for putting lights up on the exterior of the home, etc. With this thought in mind, it’s a good idea to familiarize ourselves with ladder safety and avoid being part of the huge number...
by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Nov 22, 2019 | Home Inspection Information
Did you know that many homes have been destroyed because of a fire that started in the dryer? Fire safety is extremely important so in this blog, we’re going to briefly consider a big cause of dryer fires and also look at ways to prevent them. Tumble dryers are...
by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Nov 6, 2019 | Home Inspection Information
Ensuring the home is a safe place for children is of the greatest importance to parents. There are many areas throughout the home that need to be childproofed but let’s consider just one of those areas, windows. Falling is one of the main hazards for small children...
by Your Pensacola Home Inspectors | Oct 30, 2019 | Home Inspection Information
As a homeowner, is it okay to tackle a mold problem yourself? There is no definite yes or no answer here as the answer depends on a variety of factors. Having said that, if you have recently discovered a small area of mold, covering less than 10 square feet, this...